Days of nothing
Well our two days in The Gambia are over. In the bus we crossed over the river on the ferry, a short trip spent people watching. 

From there made our way to the border. Not a long trip but long enough for a quick snooze.

Getting out of The Gambia was easy enough and we were stamped out in a flash. Getting back into Senegal more complicated as other than myself no one had needed a visa and I had a multi entry one, but for the first time we were asked for our Yellow Fever certificates!!! Go figure! Anyway we got through within about 30 minutes and piled yet again into the bus, happy to get away from the touts trying to sell stuff and happy to say farewell to the unnecessary bureaucracy.
Despite checking with our guide each day about the length of each bus trip today’s trek was well in excess of the four hours they promised would be the max. We stopped in the beach resort of Saly for an edible but totally chaotic lunch about 2:30pm and then continued to the Saly Fish Market for a dose of total lunacy. This made the previous fish market appear clean, odorless and fun. It was revolting and we were happy to get out.
By the time we got to the hotel more than 12hours after we left the previous place we were over it. Our last supper ended up low key and not the poshed up affair we had planned. It wasnt long since we had lunch, tempers were frayed, we were parched and some people had room dramas again. But I had a cute room to retire too so I was happy to trot off to bed.
Next was a treat, I woke next day at 10:00am, missed breakfast but staggered to reception for a couple of excellent coffees before going on a wee walk to check out the town. Nothing to report there but nice to have a look around and with the ever present stall owners constantly trying to sell us something it spoiled the relative peace of the morning.
The rest of the day was spent hanging out round the pool which was lovely and relaxing until a pile of old, botoxed, over tanned bearers of unnatural surgical procedures came along with their dog!!! I moved to the bar but it wasn’t all bad. Cold drinks and roasted peanuts go a long way to cheering the mood. I want to take the coloured chairs home with me.
As a bunch of us chatted lizards were scurrying around under our feet, darting round like crazy almost as if trying to avoid the camera.
Chasing the lizards for a photo eventually became boring so I wandered off and diverted towards a grunting noise coming from a small enclosure. There I found Mr Turtle giving Mrs Turtle a right good time, well he was drooling and appeared to be enjoying himself but she kept trying to move away. He was at it for ages before he eventually gave up, gave a few gasps and climbed down. A few hours later he was at it again and I was told he gives her three hours for a rest in the corner before he is at it again. Poor girl.
Our tour had officially ended so the majority off the group left for the airport once the foodbyes were said, tips doled out and emails exhanged. Just as we were saying goodbye we found a baby wee hedgehog (about 3inches long) that needed some ooh and ahs. We made sure he got what he needed.
With just four of us left dinner was a chatty affair before we all went our separate ways. I had a taxi booked for 5:00am so did not hang around, in the hope I would get a good sleep before my alarm went off.
Wrong! Despite the aircon on full and me lying across the bed in its path I was still too hot to sleep and then some bitey, flying thing decided to join me in the mosquito net. Damn. That was it. I got up before the alarm went off and was ready and waiting when the car arrived.
Before bed I had queried something on my itinerary and was advised of a change in flight plan. Instead of one stop between Dakar and Jo’burg and a 9 hour last leg, there are actually three stops with a final 5.5hours arriving in Jo’burg at 1:30am. My connection to Namibia is not till 7:00am so I am not going to get a chance for a nap along the way. Lucky people that will strike me in a cranky mood once I get to my destination. Ha ha.
My flight/s had few dramas. The usual smelly people, chaos on boarding anddisembarking but no majors. My stop at Togo was wonderful but short. I have heard many good things about this tiny country and was over the moon when I transited through the lounge and found heaps of stalls selling fabric. I had wanted to buy some fabric in both Senegal and The Gambia but trying to shop there was a nightmare with people trying to force stuff onto me. No such thing as browsing and looking at many options. You buy what they want you to buy. I hated it, but here in this tiny airport there was so much to choose from and better quality than those we had seen in the other countries. The beautifully elegant women in these parts have inspired me. Their brightly patterened clothes and amazing headresses stood out wherever we went so I am looking forward to giving it a go to try and emulate them. I just need to loose a few kilos first. Ha ha ha. The ready cut piece I bought is labelled 10metres, looking at it I think its more like five but for USD12 who cares.
With each stop we make the number of passengers got less so for the last leg I had three magic seats to myself. That’s a treat after having been squashed in on the first leg. I stretched out had a zzzzz through some dramatic turnulence and ate yet another bland tasteless airplane meal before we arrived at Jo’burg.
I have to say that after the last Ethiopian Airlines flight with its raggedy seats I was expecting something worse from ASKY the Pan African Airline. But the plane was clean and tidy, the service good and no complaints. Yet another flight with no entertainment but oh well.
Read on for the Jo’burg stay over.
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