Senegal and Gambia summed up

What can I say!  I learned little, saw lots of countryside and did a few fun things but I dont feel as though I have really got a grasp for either country. Despite being on the road for ten days I have not experienced either of them and have learned nothing of their culture or traditions. 

I have sampled a bit of Senegalese food but most was 100% French and in general delicious. I’ve had seafood of some sort most every day and have loved it. French wine helped digestion and local beer went down a treat as did copious quantities of coke to ward off dehydration in the heat. 

My waistline has increased due to excess intake but mainly through lack of exercise but on the otherhand my bum is smaller due to the thrashing it has had on the bumpy road and the bus seats. My tan has improved but sadly my brain has not been stimulated in the slightest. 

When I come back to West Africa I would like to see Senegal as I think it is probably a lovely place with some grand stories to tell. Its a shame I didn’t hear them this time round. 


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