Chobe National Park

Chobe NP is the biggest reserve in Botswana and has a huge and problematic population of elephants. So huge is the population that there is talk of re-introducing an elephant cull to reduce numbers as the current population is stripping the area of trees and plants. The area around Chobe, particularly around where Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe join is full of them and the road we drove along to get here is known as the ‘Elephant Highway’. Sadly with the drought conditions we only saw two on our four hour drive but I am sure that around the edges of the river where water is more plentiful there will be more. 

My times on game reserves and the conservancy especially  has given me the opportunity to get up close and personal with many animals to the extent that I learned to recognise them from their markings so when we were given the opportunity to go for an optional game drive this afternoon I opted to stay behind. The viewing so far has been rather pathetic but I am hoping the others get treated to a bit more than they have so far. 

As I write this I am sprawled on a lovely comfortable bed, with a cooling fan hanging from the thatched roof of my room listening to the thunder and the rain pelting down. The smell of the rain on the hot concrete paths is heaven sent and I am now doubly pleased I didn’t go with the others and have the opportunity for some time to myself and a few hours to relax. Sadly the rain will probably force most the animals into hiding so maybe the others wont see too much after all. 

I suspect the downpour has something to do with the wifi playing games, as it does all too often here. 
The others return with stories of delight having seen 16 different types of animals/birds, mainly those that are abundant in most reserves. They were happy so that is the main thing. I was happy thst I spent a lovely peaceful afternoon to myself. 
Dinner for me was pork spare ribs and fries and jolly good they were too. No wonder my stomach is getting bigger. 
And so ends a nice quiet day. 


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