Nearly the end of my adventure

With the last tour officially over and with a free day ahead I was going to sleep late and then go into the township. So I woke at 7:00am, was mucking around when I got a message from one of the girls on the tour, and so went to breakfast for yet another bacon butty. For someone that never does breakfast I am doing remarkably well stuffing my face each day. And it shows. 

Anyway the two of us decided to go for a walk to Zambia. About 2km and at 8:00am when we left it was nice and cool which made for an easy walk. The touts were out trying to sell us stuff, in particular millions of dollars worth of Zimbabwean money which we could buy for $5 as it has absolutely no value here. Hilarious. 

We get to the border and get a pass for two people.
That gave us the right to cross into Zambia but not to stay so we walked across the bridge (built in 1905), looked over the side to see the falls from Zambia, bought a cold drink, chatted to some random people and walked back again.  It was fun but by then getting kinda warm.
Kate was leaving this morning so while she made her way back to our hotel I went to the Victoria Falls Hotel, very much a grand colonial eastablishment and very beautiful with views back across the bridge we just crossed.
Rather posh for someone unwashed and in clothes that had been worn for two days in a row, but no one moved seats when I sat down for my coffee so all good. 

Relaxed and hydrated I made the short walk to town taking in some sights as I went. There were many people walking with their wares. A guy that tagged along with me told me they were carrying wares from Zambia to sell them in Zimbabwe. Some of the women had babies tied across their backs and wares on their head. What a cargo. A couple of our guides had asked if women in our countries carried their babies on their front or on their backs. They were aghast when I told them that most women carried them in prams, strollers or sometimes backpacks.
Next stop the markets where there were very many stalls selling amazing stone sculptures carved by people of the Shona tribe. I have one at home and would have loved another to add to my collection but once again the touts annoyed me so much I wouldn’t even go look. That sort of nonsense may work when they are selling junk but when you have big ticket items people want the chance to browse in peace. There was one piece I would have loved for my deck but I figured I saved a heap of money by not buying.
Next stop the Elephant Walk shopping centre; a collection of exquisite shops with high end souvenirs. There was so much that I wanted to buy here but I could not make a decision so left empty handed. Again I saved a bundle.
By this stage it was lunch time but after my big breakfast I was not too hungry so stopped for a small kudu carpaccio lunch. It was minute but very very yum and kept me going till I opened my bag of doritos while I was ‘resting’ on my bed listening to the thunder and the rain. 

To say good bye to one of the guys on the trip I wandered off to the bar for a disgustingly sweet horrible mocktail. Goodbyes done I had a rest from my stressful day and later wandered off to dinner: warthog steak and very tender and yummy too.  Acapella singers came and serenaded me to make for a perfect end to the day. Coincidence or not but they sang...... in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps ........ and I did, for the last time this trip before I get to South Africa in readiness for my trip home. 


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